Monday, October 3, 2011

Joining the Trend

So I'm joining the trend...I'm going to attempt to become a "blogger". Wow! I like it! Sounds so fancy and like I know what I'm doing...don't worry I don't have a clue about this kind of thing but am excited to try it out. I have several friends who are bloggers and decided that this may be just the thing for me. As a new mom and a new military wife I am discovering that my life is totally different than it was a year ago and I need a place that's all mine...and besides this is a pretty cheap outlet...I love CHEAP! I can't tell you how excited I am to have something that is totally MINE! Sounds greedy, huh? But I have firmly decided that I am going to try very hard to not lose my own identity as I dive into being a mother and military wife. Those are two huge parts of my life but NOT my WHOLE identity. Make sense? I like defining the purpose of things...makes me feel all the purpose of this blog is: 1. To serve as my outlet. AKA: Me Time 2. Share crafty things I'm working on and yummy things I'm cooking. 3. Trials and tribulations of being a momma and military wife 4. To serve as my outlet. AKA: Me Time ;)

I welcome any feedback. If you have an awesome blog let me know...I love love love reading others' blogs.

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