Monday, October 17, 2011

Not a Pinterest Inspired Project

Sooo....these days I'm totally addicted to Pinterest. Not that I'll have even half the time to try out all the things I've pinned but hey it's fun to see what other people have time to do. Ha! I have gotten many great ideas from Pinterest but this little project I'm proud to say (I know I should work on being more humble.) I thought up all on my own...let me explain.
I'm very big on memories. I'm the person who still gets my pictures printed out and put into albums all because I love looking back and reminiscing...and don't want to have a computer to have to do so. Anyways...since Caroline has been born I've been trying to figure out what to do with all her little "things". Example-little shirt they put her in at the hospital, newspaper from the day she was born, ultrasound pics and ultrasound dvd, etc. So I did what any of us does when we need some inspiration...I walked the aisles of Hobby Lobby. This is what I found...
Yes...a wooden box. Then I found...

Yes...scrapbooking paper. It was then that I realized that I could use this...
I had never used it before but figured I'd give it a try. Turns out it worked great and this is what I created....
I just painted the edge of the lid and used a silver paint pen to write her initals and birthdate.
I also painted the inside, wrote her a little note and put her stuff in there. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I think it'll be really fun for her to look through this box and see all the "memories" and mementoes from the beginning of her life...AND I feel's all together instead of scattered. It's a win win.