Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Let's try this again... I really do want to give this whole blogging thing a fair shot. I will often have something happen in a day and think, "Hey! I should blog about that." But then I never do! Why? Well not to use it as an excuse...although it kind-of it comes...I'm a momma! A new momma! A momma who is trying to still figure out the balancing act and how the things that I want to do are all going to fit in a day that now revolves around the cutest most precious little girl. I will say that now that we've reached that 6 month milestone I finally feel like I'm getting my feet on the ground and I can start trying to blog again. So here we go...Here's what's been on my mind lately...

Being a mom...of course! Could you really expect anything different? It's pretty much been my life it should be when you have a new baby. However, I've been thinking a lot lately about how I want to raise this sweet baby girl. What kind of person do I want her to be?? Sure she has her own little personality and will make her own decisions BUT I feel like as her momma I will play a HUGE role in the kind of person she becomes.
Lately I've done a lot of watching, reading, praying, researching, discussing and more watching, reading, praying, researching and discussing because I want Caroline to be a fantastic person...I mean who doesn't want their child to be fabulous? But even more...I want her to be a Christian with a servant heart who loves people. Whoa! Right? So where do I start? Well...I took a good hard and long look at what I'm doing in my life to be that kind-of example to her and it wasn't pretty. I'm doing not doing much for other people outside of my own I'm working on changing that and I started that change this week. I want Caroline to start having those examples in her life NOW...not later. I need it (serving heart) to become a habit in my life and attitude NOW...not later.
The fact of the matter is I've been noticing a whole lot of princess stuff lately. Yes...I think most of it is adorable and "cute" BUT do I really want Caroline thinking that she is a princess and should be treated as such? I'm not saying I don't think it's okay for her to pretend and to have an imagination BUT I do believe that our culture has become very into spoiling our children and giving them EVERYTHING. I don't want Caroline growing up and thinking that she is entitled to certain things...that sure does not represent a servant heart. I do not want her to think that she has to have the cutest (or most expensive) outfit to be sucessful in this life or feel beautiful. Nor do I want her thinking that she is going to have some prince come sweep her off her feet...because those of you married out there and those of you who know me know I'm so in love with my husband...but let's be man is a fairytale prince...because they are men afterall...and in reality I'm no princess to live with either. I started reading the book "Cinderella Ate My Daughter" and wow is it great! Makes you really think. One of the questions she poses is are these princesses who we want our daughters looking up too? Of course they are kind but what other major attributes and characteristics do they have to make them role-models. The little mermaid actually gives up her voice so that she can get a man. Wow! Before you think I'm not going allow Caroline to ever watch a Disney movie or play with princesses think again...I mean how could I totally avoid it if I want her to have a life outside of our home...which I do. BUT I plan to also saturate her life with other opportunites to serve others. I want her to see her OWN potential and give her the opportunites to full-fill that and for it not to be clouded by images that are not reality. So whether that means softball cleats, tutus, books, cooking lessons, travels and other opportunties to serve others I plan on helping pave that road (or several) so that she is able to become who she is intended to be.
I know these thoughts might sound a little crazy and unorganized...because well they are. But hey it's my blog...:) AND I'm still myself trying to figure it all out...which I doubt will ever happen. :) But I know for sure I will continue to pray about this. I mean how can I not? This is my child...the most important gift I've been given. A gift that I am responsible for helping mold and shape so that she can reach her full potential. Wow! Now that's a responsiblity. On that note...I'm feeling pretty tired. Whew! Good night!

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